Water Removal in
Pemberton Heights, NJ


(330) 537-1674

Pemberton Heights Water Removal

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Pemberton Heights is a charming and historic neighborhood located in Pemberton Township, New Jersey. The neighborhood is known for its beautiful tree-lined streets, well-maintained homes, and strong sense of community.

Pemberton Heights was established in the early 1900s and is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Pemberton Township. The architecture in the area reflects its rich history, with many homes featuring traditional colonial and Victorian-style designs. The streets are wide and treelined, with sidewalks perfect for leisurely strolls and quiet cul-de-sacs that create a peaceful atmosphere.

The community is diverse, consisting of both young families and long-time residents who have lived in the area for generations. The neighborhood is known for its strong sense of community, with neighbors looking out for one another and coming together for various events and activities throughout the year. The Pemberton Heights Civic Association plays a vital role in organizing community events and advocating for the neighborhood’s interests.

Pemberton Heights is also in a prime location, with easy access to major highways, including Route 38 and Route 206. This makes commuting to nearby cities such as Philadelphia and Trenton convenient for residents. The neighborhood is also close to the many recreational opportunities that the Pine Barrens has to offer, including hiking, fishing, and camping. Additionally, the nearby Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst provides employment opportunities for many residents.

The local schools in Pemberton Heights are part of the Pemberton Township School District, which is committed to providing a high-quality education for students. There are also several private schools in the area, providing families with a variety of options for their children’s education.

Overall, Pemberton Heights is a wonderful place to live, with its historic charm, strong sense of community, and convenient location making it an ideal neighborhood for individuals and families alike. Whether you are looking for a peaceful and picturesque place to settle down or a close-knit community to be a part of, Pemberton Heights has something to offer for everyone.

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