Water Removal in
Pelahatchie, MS


(330) 537-1674

Pelahatchie Water Removal

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Pelahatchie is a small town located in Rankin County, Mississippi. With a population of just over 1,300 people, this quaint community is known for its friendly residents, rich history, and beautiful natural surroundings.

Originally inhabited by the Choctaw Native American tribe, Pelahatchie was settled by European-Americans in the early 1800s. The town was officially incorporated in 1901 and was named after the nearby Pelahatchie Creek. Throughout its history, Pelahatchie has been a hub for agriculture, particularly cotton and soybean farming. Today, it remains a quiet, rural town with a strong sense of community and pride in its heritage.

One of the town’s most notable landmarks is the Pelahatchie Bay Fish Hatchery, which is operated by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. The hatchery is responsible for producing millions of fish each year for stocking in public waters across the state, making it an important contributor to Mississippi’s recreational fishing industry.

Pelahatchie also offers a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities. The nearby Ross Barnett Reservoir provides ample fishing, boating, and water sports activities for locals and visitors alike. The Natchez Trace Parkway, a scenic route that follows a historic trail used by Native Americans and settlers, is also located just a short drive from Pelahatchie and offers hiking, biking, and picnicking opportunities.

In addition to its natural beauty, Pelahatchie is home to several annual events and festivals that celebrate the town’s culture and community spirit. The Pelahatchie Heritage Festival, held each spring, features live music, food vendors, arts and crafts, and family-friendly activities. The event draws visitors from across the region and serves as a showcase of the town’s unique charm and hospitality.

Overall, Pelahatchie, Mississippi, is a welcoming and picturesque town that offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Its small-town charm, friendly residents, and natural beauty make it a hidden gem in the heart of the Magnolia State.

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