Water Removal in
Gardner, KS


(330) 537-1674

Gardner Water Removal

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Call: (330) 537-1674

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Gardner is a charming city located in the northeastern part of Kansas, approximately 30 miles southwest of Kansas City. As of the 2020 census, the population of Gardner was around 21,330, making it one of the larger suburban communities in the area. The city is known for its small-town feel, friendly residents, and strong sense of community.

One of the key attractions in Gardner is the historic downtown area, which is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and businesses. Visitors can enjoy exploring the quaint streets, admiring the Victorian-era architecture, and sampling the local fare at the many eateries in the area. The downtown also hosts a number of events and festivals throughout the year, bringing the community together and providing plenty of entertainment for residents and visitors alike.

In addition to its charming downtown, Gardner also offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. The city is home to several parks, including the beautiful Celebration Park, which features hiking trails, picnic areas, and a large lake where visitors can fish or paddle on the water. The city also has a number of sports fields and recreational facilities, providing ample space for residents to stay active and enjoy the outdoors.

Gardner is also home to a highly-rated school district, making it an attractive location for families. The city’s public schools are known for their strong academic programs and extracurricular offerings, and there are also a number of private and parochial schools in the area for families to choose from.

Overall, Gardner, Kansas is a welcoming and vibrant community with a strong sense of history and a bright future. Whether you’re looking to enjoy the small-town atmosphere, explore the great outdoors, or raise a family in a friendly and supportive environment, Gardner has something to offer for everyone.

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