Water Removal in
Cape May Court House, NJ


(330) 537-1674

Cape May Court House Water Removal

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Cape May Court House is a charming town located in Cape May County, New Jersey. It is situated just a few miles inland from the popular beach town of Cape May and offers a different experience from the typical Jersey Shore vacation. The town has a rich history and is known for its beautiful architecture, historic sites, and natural surroundings.

One of the most notable attractions in Cape May Court House is the Cape May County Park & Zoo. This 85-acre zoo is home to over 550 animals and is a popular destination for families and animal lovers. The zoo is known for its conservation efforts and educational programs, making it a great place to learn about wildlife and environmental conservation.

Visitors to Cape May Court House can also explore the historic buildings and sites in the town. The Cape May County Courthouse, which dates back to the 1700s, is a beautiful example of Georgian architecture and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The town also has several other historic sites, including the Emlen Physick Estate, a Victorian house museum, and the Cape May County Museum, which showcases the history of the region.

In addition to its history and natural beauty, Cape May Court House also offers plenty of outdoor activities. With its proximity to the coast, visitors can easily access the many beaches and water activities that Cape May has to offer. The town is also surrounded by beautiful natural areas, including the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, which is a great place for birdwatching and hiking.

Cape May Court House is also known for its vibrant community and local events. The town hosts a variety of festivals and fairs throughout the year, including the Cape May County 4-H Fair and the South Jersey Pumpkin Show. These events are a great way to experience the local culture and meet the friendly residents of Cape May Court House.

Overall, Cape May Court House is a wonderful destination for those looking to experience the beauty, history, and community of the Jersey Shore. Whether you are interested in wildlife, history, or outdoor activities, this town has something to offer for everyone.

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