Water Removal in
Buxton, NC


(330) 537-1674

Buxton Water Removal

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Buxton is a quaint and charming town located on Hatteras Island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Known for its beautiful beaches, stunning scenery, and rich history, Buxton is a popular destination for tourists looking to experience the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere of the Outer Banks.

One of the main attractions in Buxton is the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, which is one of the most famous and recognizable lighthouses in the United States. Standing at 198 feet, it is the tallest lighthouse in the country and has guided countless ships and sailors to safety over the years. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

In addition to the lighthouse, Buxton is also home to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, which offers a stunning stretch of pristine beaches and dunes. The natural beauty of the area makes it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, who come to enjoy activities such as swimming, surfing, fishing, and bird watching. The town also has a rich fishing heritage and is well known for its excellent fishing opportunities, both inshore and offshore.

Buxton also has a fascinating history, with ties to the maritime industry and the Civil War. The town’s historic district is home to several well-preserved buildings and structures that date back to the 19th century. Visitors can learn about the area’s history and heritage at the Outer Banks History Center, which showcases exhibits and artifacts related to the region’s past.

When it comes to dining and shopping, Buxton offers a variety of options to suit every taste and budget. Visitors can sample fresh seafood at local restaurants, shop for unique souvenirs and gifts at charming boutiques and galleries, and enjoy the friendly and laid-back atmosphere that the town is known for.

In conclusion, Buxton, North Carolina is a delightful destination for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty, history, and charm of the Outer Banks. With its stunning beaches, rich heritage, and array of recreational activities, it offers something for everyone to enjoy.

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