Water Removal in
Ashland, CA


(330) 537-1674

Ashland Water Removal

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Call: (330) 537-1674

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Ashland is a small unincorporated community located in Alameda County, California. It is situated in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area, and is considered a part of the larger unincorporated community of Cherryland. Ashland is bordered by the cities of San Leandro, Hayward, and Cherryland, and is easily accessible from Interstate 238 and Interstate 880.

The community of Ashland has a rich history, dating back to the late 19th century when it was first settled by pioneers and farmers. Over the years, Ashland has evolved into a diverse and vibrant community with a mix of residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, and open spaces.

One of the most notable landmarks in Ashland is the Ashland Reservoir, which was built in 1912 and served as a source of drinking water for the surrounding area. The reservoir is now a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, offering hiking trails, picnic areas, and scenic views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

Ashland is also home to a variety of local businesses and services, including restaurants, shops, and community organizations. The community has a strong sense of pride and a tight-knit atmosphere, with many residents actively involved in local events and initiatives.

In terms of education, Ashland is served by the San Lorenzo Unified School District, which provides a number of public and private schools for students of all ages. The community also has access to several parks and recreational facilities, including playgrounds, sports fields, and community centers.

Overall, Ashland offers a peaceful and close-knit community atmosphere, while still being conveniently located near major transportation routes and urban amenities. Its rich history, natural beauty, and community-oriented spirit make Ashland a great place to live, work, and visit in the Bay Area. With its diverse population and strong community ties, Ashland continues to be a welcoming and thriving part of the East Bay region.

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